Aaron Buchan

Movement Training in 15 mins any where any time

M15 Workout Level 1 — Foundations

This is the start of a series that progresses from basic training into more advanced training. It's a 15 minute training session, so go get your training gear on and let's get moving!

It's recommended you work on Level 1 for a couple of weeks before progressing onto the more advanced Level 2 and further levels.

M15 Level 2 — Strength Endurance

This is a progression from Level 1 taking you into more endurance - start to get a bit more burn and work those muscles really hard.

Start with 1 set in the first week, progressing into 4 sets in week 4.

Required equipment: Fitness ball

M15 Level 3 — Muscle and Metabolic Rate

A series of basic exercises over 15 minutes progressing in difficulty over 3-4 weeks.

If you're looking to increase your metabolism, muscle conditioning, dropping some weight or toning your muscles - this is the perfect program for you!

Required equipment: Fitness ball, Strength bands (start with a light band, progressing into a stronger band)

M15 Level 4 — Maximum Strength

Required equipment:

M15 Level 5 — Fast Twitch Power

Required equipment: Recommended:

M15 Level 6 — Advanced Posture Correction & Core Conditioning

This level has a massive focus on the thorasic, hips and mobility especially.

Required equipment: Fitness ball, Foam roller Recommended: Stick, Fitness mat, Pressure Puff

M15 Level 7 — Advanced Functional Suspension Endurance Training

Progress with this level, building up sets each week and you'll see huge improvements in endurance.

Required equipment: Straps Recommended: Wall

M15 Level 8 — Muscle Conditioning Circuit

To progress through this work out, increase number of sets and increase weights for optimum results.

Required equipment: Barbell (10-25kg), Dumbell Recommended: Bench, Fitness ball, Straps

M15 Level 9 — Big Lifts & Maximum Strength

Required equipment: Dumbells (12kg & 20kg), Wall Recommended: Straps

M15 Level 10 — Functional Super Sets

This is a past-paced, high intensity workout. "Super setting" is quick progression between different exercises - so you're really going to start to feel the burn! The first exercise is generally for muscle conditioning exercise immediately followed by one for endurance.

Required equipment: Barbell Recommended: Step, Fitness ball, Straps, Fitness mat

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